Source code for autosnapgene.blocks.features

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from ..parser import Block, Xml, Repr
from ..util import reverse_complement

import autoprop
import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree
from more_itertools import one, always_iterable

class FeaturesBlock(Xml, Block):
    block_id = 10
    repr_attrs = ['features']

    # I'm not totally sure whats up with the id numbers in this block.  They 
    # aren't mentioned in the 2015 spec...

    class FeatureTag(Xml.AppendListTag):

        def from_xml(element):
            return Feature.from_xml(element)

        def to_xml(parent, tag, features):
            for feature in features:
                e = feature.to_xml()

    xml_tag = 'Features'
    xml_subtag_defs = [
            ('features', 'Feature', FeatureTag, []),
    xml_attrib_defs = [
            ('_next_id', 'nextValidID', Xml.IntAttrib),

            # I don't know what this is at all...
            ('_recycled_ids', 'recycledIDs', Xml.TextAttrib),

    def __repr_attr__(self, attr):
        if attr == 'features':
            from textwrap import shorten
            return shorten(
                    ', '.join( for x in self.features),

            return super().__repr_attr__(attr)

    def to_xml(self):
        self._next_id = len(self.features)
        return super().to_xml()

    def get_next_id(self):
        return len(self.features)

[docs]@autoprop class Feature(Xml, Repr): repr_attrs = 'name', 'type'
[docs] class SegmentTag(Xml.AppendListTag):
[docs] @staticmethod def from_xml(element): return FeatureSegment.from_xml(element)
[docs] @staticmethod def to_xml(parent, tag, segments): for segment in segments: e = segment.to_xml() parent.append(e)
[docs] class QualifierTag(Xml.UpdateDictTag): data_types = { 'int': int, 'text': str, } data_formats = {v: k for k, v in data_types.items()}
[docs] @classmethod def from_xml(cls, element): name = element.attrib['name'] def get_value(sub): # This isn't in the spec, but I assume I'll never get multiple # attributes in a <V> tag. # # However, it is possible to get no attributes. I've only # encountered this is one example: a translated feature that # was too short to actually have a translation (e.g. 1 bp). In # this case, value probably should be "", since "translation" # is normally text. Assuming that integer data will never just # be left out like this, I'm going to interpret no attributes # as "". if not sub.attrib: return "" assert len(sub.attrib) == 1, etree.tostring(element) key, value = sub.attrib.popitem() return cls.data_types.get(key, str)(value) if len(element) == 1: value = get_value(element.find('V')) else: value = [get_value(x) for x in element.findall('V')] return {name: value}
[docs] @classmethod def to_xml(cls, parent, tag, values): for name, value in values.items(): q = etree.SubElement(parent, tag) q.attrib['name'] = str(name) for value_i in always_iterable(value): v = etree.SubElement(q, 'V') # Special-case empty strings as described in from_xml(). if value_i == "": continue data_format = cls.data_formats[type(value_i)] v.attrib[data_format] = str(value_i)
[docs] class DirectionalityAttrib(Xml.EnumAttrib): value_from_str = { '0': 'none', '1': 'forward', '2': 'backward', '3': 'bidirectional', }
[docs] class CleavageArrowsAttrib:
[docs] @staticmethod def from_str(str): return [int(x) for x in str.split(',')]
[docs] @staticmethod def to_str(value): return ','.join(str(x) for x in value)
xml_tag = 'Feature' xml_subtag_defs = [ ('segments', 'Segment', SegmentTag, []), ('qualifiers', 'Q', QualifierTag, {}), ] xml_attrib_defs = [ ('id', 'recentID', Xml.IntAttrib), ('name', 'name', Xml.TextAttrib), ('type', 'type', Xml.TextAttrib), ('directionality', 'directionality', DirectionalityAttrib), ('reading_frame', 'readingFrame', Xml.IntAttrib), ('cleavage_arrows', 'cleavageArrows', CleavageArrowsAttrib), ('allow_segment_overlaps', 'allowSegmentOverlaps', Xml.BoolAttrib), ('swapped_segment_numbering', 'swappedSegmentNumbering', Xml.BoolAttrib), ('max_run_on', 'maxRunOn', Xml.IntAttrib), ('max_fused_run_on', 'maxFusedRunOn', Xml.IntAttrib), ('detection_mode', 'detectionMode', Xml.TextAttrib), # Translation-related attributes: ('genetic_code_id', 'geneticCode', Xml.TextAttrib), ('first_codon_met', 'translateFirstCodonAsMet', Xml.BoolAttrib), ('consecutive_translation_numbering', 'consecutiveTranslationNumbering', Xml.BoolAttrib), ('consecutive_numbering_start', 'consecutiveNumberingStartsFrom', Xml.IntAttrib), ('translated_mw', 'translationMW', Xml.FloatAttrib), ('hits_stop_codon', 'hitsStopCodon', Xml.BoolAttrib), ]
[docs] @classmethod def from_segment(cls, **kwargs): """ Instantiate a feature with a single segment. Keyword arguments corresponding to any attribute of either the Feature or FeatureSegment classes are accepted. """ feature_kwargs = { k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k in cls._defined_names } segment_kwargs = { k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k not in cls._defined_names } feature = cls(**feature_kwargs) feature.segments = [FeatureSegment(**segment_kwargs)] return feature
[docs] def get_segment(self): """ If this feature has only one segment, return it. Otherwise, raise an exception. """ return one(self.segments)
[docs] def set_segment(self, segment): """ Remove any segments associated with this feature, and replace them with the given segment. After calling this setter (or assigning to this attribute), the feature will have exactly one segment. It will still be possible to add or remove segments later, though. """ self.segments = [segment]
[docs] def get_range(self): return self.begin, self.end
[docs] def get_begin(self): return min(x.range[0] for x in self.segments)
[docs] def get_end(self): return max(x.range[1] for x in self.segments)
[docs] def get_sequence(self, full_seq): # It'd be nice to get rid of the *full_seq* argument, but that would # require this block to have access to the top-level `SnapGene` object. # This might be ok, but it's a bigger change than I want to make right # now. start, end = self.range seq = full_seq[start:end] if self.directionality == 'backward': return reverse_complement(seq) else: return seq
[docs]@autoprop class FeatureSegment(Xml, Repr): repr_attrs = 'type', 'color', 'range'
[docs] class RangeAttrib:
[docs] @staticmethod def from_str(str): # Make the range indices compatible with the conventions for python # slicing. i, j = tuple(int(x) for x in str.split('-')) return i - 1, j
[docs] @staticmethod def to_str(value): i, j = value return f'{i+1}-{j}'
xml_tag = 'Segment' xml_attrib_defs = [ ('name', 'name', Xml.TextAttrib), ('range', 'range', RangeAttrib), ('display', 'type', Xml.TextAttrib), ('color', 'color', Xml.TextAttrib), ('is_translated', 'translated', Xml.BoolAttrib), ('translation_start_number', 'translationNumberingStartsFrom', Xml.IntAttrib), ]
[docs] def get_begin(self): return self.range[0]
[docs] def get_end(self): return self.range[1]