Source code for autosnapgene.api

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import autoprop
from pathlib import Path
from copy import deepcopy
from more_itertools import one
from . import parser, blocks

# Import classes that should be part of the public API:
from .blocks import AlignmentMetadata
from .blocks import Feature, FeatureSegment
from .blocks import Reference
from .errors import *

[docs]def parse(path, block_classes=None): """ Parse the given file and return a `SnapGene` object. This is an alias for ``Snapgene(path)``. """ return SnapGene(path)
[docs]def write(path, dna): """ Write the given `SnapGene` object (dna) to the given path. This is an alias for ``dna.write(path)``. """ dna.write(path)
[docs]@autoprop class SnapGene:
[docs] def __init__(self, path=None): if path: self.parse(path) else: self.reset()
[docs] def reset(self): self.blocks = [ blocks.HeaderBlock(), blocks.RestrictionDigestBlock(), ] self.input_path = None
[docs] def parse(self, path, block_classes=None): self.blocks = parser.blocks_from_file(path, block_classes) self.input_path = Path(path)
[docs] def write(self, path=None): if path is None: path = self.input_path if path is None: raise ValueError("not originally parsed from *.dna file, output path required.") # Make sure there's a header. assert isinstance(self.blocks[0], blocks.HeaderBlock) parser.file_from_blocks(path, self.blocks)
[docs] def make_block(self, cls): block = cls() self.blocks.append(block) return block
[docs] def find_blocks(self, cls): return [x for x in self.blocks if isinstance(x, cls)]
[docs] def find_block(self, cls): return one( self.find_blocks(cls), too_short=BlockNotFound(f"{self._this_seq} doesn't have any {cls.__name__} blocks."), too_long=AssertionError, )
[docs] def find_or_make_block(self, cls): try: return self.find_block(cls) except BlockNotFound: return self.make_block(cls)
[docs] def remove_blocks(self, cls): self.blocks = [x for x in self.blocks if not isinstance(x, cls)]
[docs] def remove_block(self, cls): try: block = self.find_block(cls) self.blocks.remove(block) except BlockNotFound: pass
[docs] def get_sequence(self): """ Get the DNA or protein sequence stored in this file. This method will not indicate whether it returned a protein or DNA sequence, so if that is not clear from the context, use `get_dna_sequence()` or `get_protein_sequence()` to be sure. If the file doesn't contain either type of sequence, a `BlockNotFound` exception will be raised. """ try: return self.dna_sequence except BlockNotFound: return self.protein_sequence
[docs] def set_sequence(self, value): """ Set the DNA or protein sequence stored in this file. If the file does not yet contain a sequence, the DNA sequence will be set. """ try: self.find_block(blocks.DnaBlock).sequence = value except BlockNotFound: try: self.find_block(blocks.ProteinBlock).sequence = value except BlockNotFound: self.make_block(blocks.DnaBlock).sequence = value
[docs] def get_topology(self): return self.find_block(blocks.DnaBlock).topology
[docs] def set_topology(self, value): self.find_or_make_block(blocks.DnaBlock).topology = value
[docs] def get_strandedness(self): return self.find_block(blocks.DnaBlock).strandedness
[docs] def set_strandedness(self, value): self.find_or_make_block(blocks.DnaBlock).strandedness = value
[docs] def get_is_dam_methylated(self): return self.find_block(blocks.DnaBlock).is_dam_methylated
[docs] def set_is_dam_methylated(self, value): self.find_or_make_block(blocks.DnaBlock).is_dam_methylated = value
[docs] def get_is_dcm_methylated(self): return self.find_block(blocks.DnaBlock).is_dcm_methylated
[docs] def set_is_dcm_methylated(self, value): self.find_or_make_block(blocks.DnaBlock).is_dcm_methylated = value
[docs] def get_is_ecoki_methylated(self): return self.find_block(blocks.DnaBlock).is_ecoki_methylated
[docs] def set_is_ecoki_methylated(self, value): self.find_or_make_block(blocks.DnaBlock).is_ecoki_methylated = value
[docs] def get_dna_sequence(self): return self.find_block(blocks.DnaBlock).sequence
[docs] def set_dna_sequence(self, value): self.find_or_make_block(blocks.DnaBlock).sequence = value
# Protein
[docs] def get_protein_sequence(self): return self.find_block(blocks.ProteinBlock).sequence
[docs] def set_protein_sequence(self, value): self.find_or_make_block(blocks.ProteinBlock).sequence = value
# Features
[docs] def get_features(self): """ Return a list of all the features in this sequence. """ try: return self.find_block(blocks.FeaturesBlock).features except BlockNotFound: return []
[docs] def get_feature(self, name): """ Return the feature with the given name. If multiple features have the given name, only the first one encountered will be returned. A `FeatureNotFound` exception will be raised if no feature with the given name can be found. """ for feat in self.features: if == name: return feat raise FeatureNotFound(f"no feature named '{name}'")
[docs] def count_features(self): """ Return the number of features in this sequence. """ return len(self.features)
[docs] def add_feature(self, feature, seq=None): """ Add the given feature to the sequence. The argument should be a Feature instance. Colors and positions are specified as segments, which you can provide by filling in the segments attribute of the Feature instance with FeatureSegments instances. If you specify the optional *seq* argument, the position of the feature will automatically be set to the position of that subsequence in the full sequence. If the given subsequence appears multiple times, multiple features will be created. If the subsequence doesn't appear, a `SequenceNotFound` exception will be raised. The given feature must have either 0 or 1 segments, otherwise it isn't clear how the position should be set. """ block = self.find_or_make_block(blocks.FeaturesBlock) new_features = [] if not seq: = block.next_id new_features.append(feature) else: import re, copy # Find all occurrences of the given sequence. positions = [ m.start() # Use lookahead to allow overlapping matches. for m in re.finditer(f'(?={seq.upper()})', self.sequence.upper()) ] if not positions: raise SequenceNotFound(f"'{seq}' not found in sequence") # Add a copy of the given feature positioned over each occurrence # of the given sequence. segments = getattr(feature, 'segments', []) if len(segments) > 1: raise ValueError(f"{feature} has multiple segments, unclear how to set position from sequence.") for i in positions: feat = deepcopy(feature) if not segments: feat.segment = FeatureSegment() # Indexing starts at 1, per the spec. feat.segment.range = (i + 1, i + len(seq)) = block.next_id new_features.append(feat) block.features += new_features return new_features
[docs] def remove_feature(self, name): """ Remove the feature with the given name from this sequence. Only the feature annotation is removed; the sequence corresponding to the feature remains. If no feature with the given name can be found, a `FeatureNotFound` exception is raised. """ try: block = self.find_block(blocks.FeaturesBlock) except BlockNotFound: raise FeatureNotFound(f"no feature named '{name}'") found_name = False for feat in block.features[:]: if == name: block.features.remove(feat) found_name = True if not found_name: raise FeatureNotFound(f"no feature named '{name}'") # Make the id numbers contiguous. I don't think this is necessary, but # it seems like the right thing to do. for new_id, feat in enumerate(block.features): = new_id
[docs] def clear_features(self): """ Remove all features from the sequence. """ self.remove_block(blocks.FeaturesBlock)
[docs] def extract_features(self): raise NotImplementedError
# Alignment
[docs] def get_traces(self, name=None): """ Return information about all of the alignments/traces associated with the sequence. If a name is provided, only traces with that name will be returned. If a `pathlib.Path` is given as the name, the stem of that path will be taken as the name. """ try: metadata = self.find_block(blocks.AlignmentsBlock).metadata except BlockNotFound: return [] if name is None: return metadata else: if isinstance(name, Path): name = name.stem return [x for x in metadata if == name]
[docs] def get_trace_names(self): return [ for x in self.get_traces()]
[docs] def has_trace(self, name): """ Return True is the sequence contains a trace with the given name. If a `pathlib.Path` is given as the name, the stem of that path will be taken as the name. """ return bool(self.get_traces(name))
[docs] def add_trace(self, path, name=None): """ Add the given trace to the sequence, if the sequence doesn't already have a trace of the same name (or the given name). The trace is always added after any existing traces. """ if not self.has_trace(name or path): self.append_trace(path, name=name) else: self.replace_trace(name or path, path, new_name=name)
[docs] def append_trace(self, path, name=None): """ Add the given trace to this sequence after any existing traces. Unlike add_trace(), this function adds the trace unconditionally, which may result in duplicates. """ self.insert_trace(self.count_traces(), path, name=name)
[docs] def prepend_trace(self, path, name=None): """ Add the given trace to this sequence before any existing traces. Unlike add_trace(), this function adds the trace unconditionally, which may result in duplicates. """ self.insert_trace(0, path, name=name)
[docs] def insert_trace(self, i, path, name=None): """ Add the given trace to this sequence at the given index. Unlike add_trace(), this function adds the trace unconditionally, which may result in duplicates. """ path = Path(path) # Convert the sequencing data to the ZTR format. data = path.read_bytes() ztr = parser.ztr_from_data(data) # Figure out the next id from the AlignmentsBlock metadata. align_block = self.find_or_make_block(blocks.AlignmentsBlock) next_id = max(( for x in align_block.metadata), default=0) + 1 next_order = max((x.sort_order for x in align_block.metadata), default=0) + 1 # Make a new AlignedTraceBlock with the ZTR data. trace_block = blocks.AlignedTraceBlock() trace_block.bytes = ztr # Make a new AlignedSequenceBlock with the above id and trace block. seq_block = blocks.AlignedSequenceBlock() = next_id seq_block.traces = [trace_block] # Add the sequence block to the file (the trace block will be added # indirectly via the sequence block). self.blocks.append(seq_block) # Update the AlignmentsBlock metadata. meta = AlignmentMetadata() = next_id = name or path.stem meta.is_trace = True align_block.metadata.insert(i, meta) self.sync_trace_metadata()
[docs] def remove_trace(self, name): """ Remove the trace with the given name. If a `pathlib.Path` is given as the name, the stem of that path will be taken as the name. If there are multiple traces with the same name, all will be removed. If there are no traces with the given name, a ValueError will be raised. """ if isinstance(name, Path): name = name.stem # Remove the blocks/metadata corresponding to the given name. align_block = self.find_block(blocks.AlignmentsBlock) seq_blocks = { block for block in self.find_blocks(blocks.AlignedSequenceBlock) } found_name = False for meta in align_block.metadata[:]: if == name: align_block.metadata.remove(meta) self.blocks.remove(seq_blocks[]) found_name = True if not found_name: raise ValueError(f"no trace named '{name}'") # Make the id numbers contiguous. I don't think this is necessary, but # it seems like the right thing to do. for new_id, meta in enumerate(align_block.metadata): old_id = = seq_blocks[old_id].id = new_id self.sync_trace_metadata()
[docs] def rename_trace(self, old_name, new_name): """ Rename the given trace. If multiple traces have the same name, they will all be renamed. """ traces = self.get_trace(old_name) if not traces: raise ValueError("no trace named '{old_name}'") for meta in traces: = new_name
[docs] def replace_trace(self, old_name, path, new_name=None): """ Replace the trace with the given name with the given path. If there are multiple traces with the given name, the first will be replaced and the rest will be removed. """ if isinstance(old_name, Path): old_name = old_name.stem traces = self.get_traces() if not traces: raise ValueError("no trace named '{old_name}'") for i, meta in enumerate(traces): if == old_name: break self.remove_trace(old_name) self.insert_trace(i, path, name=new_name)
[docs] def sync_trace_metadata(self): align_block = self.find_block(blocks.AlignmentsBlock) # Remove old entries from the metadata. I don't know how these entries # appear. I initially wrote the code to get rid of these entries # because I thought they might be causing problems, but further # experimentation made that seem like the wrong hypothesis. I'm # keeping the code, though, because it doesn't seem like it could hurt. existing_ids = set() for block in self.find_blocks(blocks.AlignedSequenceBlock): existing_ids.add( align_block.metadata = [ meta for meta in align_block.metadata if in existing_ids ] # Make sure the sort order matches the actual list order. for i, meta in enumerate(align_block.metadata): meta.sort_order = i
[docs] def pick_trace(self, name): """ Hide every trace except for the one specified. """ if isinstance(name, Path): name = name.stem for trace in self.traces: trace.is_visible = ( == name) debug(trace)
[docs] def count_traces(self): """ Return the number of traces associated with the sequence. """ return len(self.get_traces())
[docs] def sort_traces(self, key=lambda x:, reverse=False): """ Rearrange the traces according to the given key function. If no key function is given, the traces will be sorted alphabetically. The argument to the key function will be an AlignmentMetadata object. """ traces = self.get_traces() traces.sort(key=key, reverse=reverse) for i, meta in enumerate(traces): meta.sort_order = i
[docs] def clear_traces(self): """ Remove all traces from the sequence. """ self.remove_block(blocks.AlignmentsBlock) self.remove_blocks(blocks.AlignedSequenceBlock)
[docs] def extract_traces(self, dir): """ Save any traces associated with this sequence as separate files in the given directory. The traces will be saved in the ZTR format, which is the format used internally by SnapGene. """ dir = Path(dir) dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) seq_blocks = { block for block in self.find_blocks(blocks.AlignedSequenceBlock) } for meta in self.get_traces(): seq_block = seq_blocks[] trace_blocks = seq_block.traces for i, trace_block in enumerate(trace_blocks): suffix = f'_{i+1}' if len(trace_blocks) > 1 else '' path = dir / f'{}{suffix}.ztr' path.write_bytes(trace_block.bytes)
# Primers # add_primer # remove_primer # clear_primers # count_primers # extract_primers # History
[docs] def clear_history(self): """ Remove all history from the sequence. """ self.remove_blocks(blocks.HistoryBlock) self.remove_blocks(blocks.HistoryNodeBlock)
# Notes
[docs] def get_plasmid_type(self): """ "Natural" or "Synthetic". """ return self.find_block(blocks.NotesBlock).type
[docs] def set_plasmid_type(self, value): self.find_block(blocks.NotesBlock).type = value
[docs] def get_custom_map_label(self): return self.find_block(blocks.NotesBlock).custom_map_label
[docs] def set_custom_map_label(self, value): self.find_block(blocks.NotesBlock).custom_map_label = value
[docs] def get_use_custom_map_label(self): return self.find_block(blocks.NotesBlock).use_custom_map_label
[docs] def set_use_custom_map_label(self, value): self.find_block(blocks.NotesBlock).use_custom_map_label = value
[docs] def get_is_confirmed_experimentally(self): """ True if this sequence has been experimentally confirmed. """ return self.find_block(blocks.NotesBlock).is_confirmed_experimentally
[docs] def set_is_confirmed_experimentally(self, value): self.find_block(blocks.NotesBlock).is_confirmed_experimentally = value
[docs] def get_description(self): """ A description of the sequence. """ return self.find_block(blocks.NotesBlock).description
[docs] def set_description(self, value): self.find_block(blocks.NotesBlock).description = value
[docs] def get_date_created(self): """ The date the sequence was created. """ return self.find_block(blocks.NotesBlock).date_created
[docs] def set_date_created(self, value): self.find_block(blocks.NotesBlock).date_created = value
[docs] def get_date_last_modified(self): """ The date the sequence was last modified. """ return self.find_block(blocks.NotesBlock).date_last_modified
[docs] def set_date_last_modified(self, value): self.find_block(blocks.NotesBlock).date_last_modified = value
[docs] def get_accession_number(self): return self.find_block(blocks.NotesBlock).accession_number
[docs] def set_accession_number(self, value): self.find_block(blocks.NotesBlock).accession_number = value
[docs] def get_code_number(self): return self.find_block(blocks.NotesBlock).code_number
[docs] def set_code_number(self, value): self.find_block(blocks.NotesBlock).code_number = value
[docs] def get_author(self): """ The creator of this sequence. """ return self.find_block(blocks.NotesBlock).author
[docs] def set_author(self, value): self.find_block(blocks.NotesBlock).author = value
[docs] def get_organism(self): """ The organism this sequence derives from. """ return self.find_block(blocks.NotesBlock).organism
[docs] def set_organism(self, value): self.find_block(blocks.NotesBlock).organism = value
[docs] def get_sequence_class(self): return self.find_block(blocks.NotesBlock).sequence_class
[docs] def set_sequence_class(self, value): self.find_block(blocks.NotesBlock).sequence_class = value
[docs] def get_transformed_into(self): """ The organism/strain being used to propagate this sequence in the lab. """ return self.find_block(blocks.NotesBlock).transformed_into
[docs] def set_transformed_into(self, value): self.find_block(blocks.NotesBlock).transformed_into = value
[docs] def get_comments(self): """ Miscellaneous comments on this sequence. """ return self.find_block(blocks.NotesBlock).comments
[docs] def set_comments(self, value): self.find_block(blocks.NotesBlock).comments = value
[docs] def get_references(self): return self.find_block(blocks.NotesBlock).references
[docs] def set_references(self, value): self.find_block(blocks.NotesBlock).references = value
# File format
[docs] def get_file_type(self): return self.find_block(blocks.HeaderBlock).file_type
[docs] def set_file_type(self, value): self.find_block(blocks.HeaderBlock).file_type = value
[docs] def get_import_version(self): return self.find_block(blocks.HeaderBlock).import_version
[docs] def set_import_version(self, value): self.find_block(blocks.HeaderBlock).import_version = value
[docs] def get_export_version(self): return self.find_block(blocks.HeaderBlock).export_version
[docs] def set_export_version(self, value): self.find_block(blocks.HeaderBlock).export_version = value
@property def _this_seq(self): return f"'{self.input_path}'" if self.input_path else "this sequence"